April 26, 2004

Adventures in Pride Week, pt. 1

Tonight kicked off Pride Week here at school. This evening's festivity was a stereotype fashion show, where people dressed up as various stereotypes and lip synched to bad remixes.

There's nothing like an overweight drag queen lip synching (badly) to the Queer Eye theme song to remind you why people hate gays so much.

It was the extended version of the song.

Things went downhill from there.

I won't mention lighting or technical problems, but needless to say the gross incompetence when it comes to hanging lights and working a sound board aggravated my disgust.

I'm not sure what a "SM Leather God" is. I've heard of S&M Leather Daddies, but I've never heard of a "leather god." Even google is mysteriously silent on the issue.

For the lesbian part of the show, someone in a Hawaiian shirt and baggy pants walked around the stage, lackadaisically swinging a baseball bat to a Pink song. For the entire song. No lip synching, no dancing, nothing. They walked across the stage to the song. It got old.

If they're going to play Bitch and Animal, they probably shouldn't play two of their songs in a row; they tend to go a few minutes longer than they should, in my opinion. Also, if they're going to play a Bitch and Animal song about drag kings, they probably should have played, you know, the song about drag kings, instead of the one about dildos. There's a difference between dildos and drag kings...

When they announced "Raver Boy" I thought that they meant Circuit Queens, but it turns out it was an excuse to copy some fashion from Vice Magazine's 'don't' list.

Apparently, suicidal, gothic, druggie, alcoholic, and closeted youth have the exact same characteristics, and there's little distinction. Who knew?

There were a fair amount of gay stereotypes not represented, including big ones like twink, bear, AIDS, sugar daddy, chickenhawk/chicken, butch, lipstick lesbian, and rice queen. But there was a lesbian gym teacher represented, so I guess that makes up for it.

All of these are mild annoyances, for the most part. I wouldn't feel inspired to write this post if these were the only things that annoyed me. There's one more that really, really, really annoyed the hell out of me.

Straight Acting Gays. I wish I could remember the exact words, but I remember certain phrases, like "People who are straight acting hate all gays and hate the fact that they are gay. They find other gay people repulsive and refuse to associate with others gays. They closet themselves and refuse to admit they are gay." They were dangerously close to saying "Straight Acting Gays are the equivalent of black members of the KKK." I'm somewhere inbetween straight acting and twink, when it comes to stereotypes (though I'd rather be a person and not a fetish), so I was pretty miffed.

That was when I decided to go back into the closet for a while.

No more Morrissey, no more girls pants, no Calvin Klein shirts or expensive shoes, no hair product, no Tori Amos, no properly fitting tshirts, no Queer Eye, no Dudes off Campus, no singing in the shower, no reading the arts section of the NYTimes, nothing.

(Then again, I haven't gotten any action of any sort since November, so if there's an opportunity, all bets are off.)
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.