April 6, 2004

At an obnoxiously early hour this morning

(NB-to a college student, everything before 10 is obnoxiously early), someone decided that it would be fun to critique my earlier post (or rather a crosspost in a bookreading community on livejournal), leaving angry messages on my AIM, incensed that I, and I quote, "was fucking with Conrad," and likened me to a 14 year old girl with a crush on her 8th grade English teacher, incapable of independent thought. (Of course I've edited the words so I wouldn't have AIMspeak cluttering up the page, e.g. u r lik a 14yr grl) The incensed AIMer must have had too much time on his hands (I'm assuming that it was a male), as he then found my deviantart account and proceeded to leave messages denouncing my ability to string together nouns and verbs in a rational fashion, which was amusing

Well, of course I've since dropped the community and blocked the AIM name, and I'm not taking any of the insults to heart, since they seemed so weak that not even Simon Cowell would use them.

In a note that may seem related but isn't meant to be, I'm currently fleshing out a little bio link to the sidebar. I can't decide how much information I want to give out and whether or not I have any pictures of myself that I would like to share. Speaking of sidebars, I've jumped on the kinja bandwagon. I might go back to blogroll, but I'm enjoying kinja, save for that it doesn't seem to recognize her existance.... Oh well.

Oh, and at the moment, it looks like no photos... sorry.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.