June 8, 2004

I'm a lean, mean (posting) machine.

I'm not a big fan of sports. I'm fair-to-decent at them, but it's rare that I would ever devote an afternoon to tossing a ball around.

In elementary school, I excelled at most gym activities. I was able to run around the block the second fastest in the school. I was the first person in my grade to kick the ball over the fence during kickball. I won Jump Rope for Heart in third and fourth grade. I had golden hands for playing touch football during recess.

Sometime during junior high, I developed a distaste for gym class, probably because pretty much my entire class was fell off the puberty tree, and was smacked in the face by every branch on the way down. (I include myself only slightly in this category.) For the most part, adverting my eyes in the locker room wasn't to hide my sexuality, but rather to protect my eyes from the unruly flesh, back acne, and body hair.

And so I became a bastard in gym class. I skipped the mile. (Skipped as in "Loo, loo, skip to my loo," not skipping the class.) I only looked interested in soccer when the teacher was looking my direction. I learned the graceful art of 'accidentally' kicking the ball while retrieving it. I once spent an entire class period half-heartedly chasing a ball. It was brilliant.

Then came Renaissance, my arts charter high school. I took dance lessons, hardcore dance lessons in Modern and Jazz. I wasn't bad at them, but really. If you haven't been taking dance lessons since before you could walk, you're not going to be a good dancer. I also took a stage combat class, which was more goofing off than actual work.

I don't exercise any more. I don't lift weights, I don't run, I don't play sports, but stil I remain thin. My BMI is 19, which makes me pretty damn close to clinically underweight, and according to the height/weight charts online, I'm below the recommended color bar. I'm a vegetarian, so that might help explain my svelte physique, and I am a 'youngun' so my metabolism hasn't gone to pot yet. But I don't think that's the reason for my waif-like status.

Apparently, for most of my teen years I developed a healthy exercise regimen that explains my lean demeanor. I would think that finding a workout partner would help speed along my progress, but until that happens, I guess I'll keep on doing what I've been doing. It's worked well for me so far. Unfortunately, I didn't keep records last month, so I can't tell for sure how much weight I lost, but I will say that my jeans have been feeling a bit baggy lately.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.