February 24, 2005

Ganymedier than Ganymede

Yesterday's mythology test didn't go so well. As my friend on the second floor says, it totally raped me up the ass, and I wasn't even dressed skanky or nothing.

I should mention, though, that even though the test raped me, it at least used lube. Sexy lube.

There's about 400 people in my mythology class, and it seems at though everyone's in that class. At least ten percent of the building is in that class. Sure, ten percent of the building works out to be something like ten or eleven kids, but it's still a lot. Every time I go, it seems like there are more people in my class from last semester that I never talked to.

But today I noticed that there was someone that I had blogged about in my class. Yep, the Truman Capote lookalike is back, with the same cold eyes and the same affect on my nether regions.

It was warm while we were taking the test (too many furrowed brows and panicked stress), so the hottie took off his sweatshirt, revealing a wife beater, and rolled up his sweatpants as makeshift shorts, revealing some lovely calves. I was sitting on the aisle, and he was sitting on the other side of the aisle, one down--perfect gawking distance. It was fucking hot.

And that made the test all the less painful.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.