MARY-KATE has collapsed!
Mary-Kate has collapsed!
I was flipping through the stations
MTV was boring VH1 was boring
and you said to try E! even
though E! is on parental block
because of Howard Stern
late at night but I knew
the code I had figured it out
when they did the special on
Prince Harry who is so dreamy
and suddenly I catch the crawl
She was looking so thin at the premiere!
She was looking so thin on Oprah!
I’ll go without lunch some
times because I want the boys
to notice me but I’ve never collapsed
Oh Mary-Kate I love you
Why won’t you get fat?
March 8, 2005
Apologies to Frank O'Hara
Good writers borrow, and great writers steal. Which is why for my assignment for poetry class (poetry inspired by a newspaper headline or CNN crawl) I pilfered this idea from chrisafer.
9:13 AM

Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.