April 5, 2005

less than sign three

For poetry class this week, the assignment was to create a 'found' poem; to take prose in an unexpected place and form a poem out of it. I used a quote from my favorite book, Martin Bauman, which had a special parellel to my last relationhip. Little did I think that I would be able to post that poem, and have it be topical and more relevant to this past week.

No, his name isn't Eli. Eli's the guy in the book. My guy's got a generic common guy name, like Bob or Peter or Matt, but you don't get to know that. He'll probably be referred to as 'the boy' or 'the boyfriend.' I haven't decided how much of this is going to be for me, and how much I'm willing to share, at least at the moment.

I don't want to start overanalyzing anything. It's been so long, and I just want to hang out and enjoy myself.

And I'm enjoying myself. I'm totally smitten, even though today only marks the one week anniversary of our meeting.

I have no idea what effect this relationship will have on my posting schedule. We're spending a fair about of time together, which, if this schedule continues, leaves little time for me to come home and write some posts. I'll do my best, I promise.

Also, in a fit of weakness, he now knows about this blog, so I'll have to say nice things about him.

Which means that it's a good thing that I only have glowing things to say about him.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.