I was in my history of science class this morning (it counts as a science credit, and it sure beat chemistry), actually paying attention for once. We're starting a unit on Evolution, and my teacher says:
Charles Darwin was hired as a "gentleman's companion" upon the HMS Beagle to help the captain pass the time.I laughed out loud. Loudly.
Everyone kind of looked at me, and then she explained that it was socially unacceptable for the Captain of a ship to fraternize with the lowly sailors. Captains would get bored, and so eventually they learned to invite upper-middle-class men to eat dinner with and converse with. I felt really dumb.
Silly me. I was thinking of the all the porn opportunities.

(edit. This would have been much funnier if I didn't have homework and therefore would have spent more time in photoshop. Really, it would have been.)