April 24, 2006

Lost Post

This isn't a sort of self-imposed sabbatical, though with the amount of papers I have due next week (two poetry portfolios due Monday, a paper due Tuesday, two papers due Thursday) I could probably justify one. Blogger's eaten my last few posts.

I had a different post written for today. It was pretty long and had lots of pictures, but when blogger wouldn't publish it, I decided it was a sign. It was kind of a mean post, pretty out of character for me, and I was having second thoughts about posting it. It was pretty funny when I started it, but by the end, I was pretty sure I would't post anything so catty.

Leave your guess in the comments as to what the post would have been about.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.