To top it off, due to the massive thunderstorm Sunday morning around 5 AM, large portions of the city were without power until about 8 that evening. So not only was I in pain, bedridden, I couldn't watch tv, or due to the layout of my room, read (not enough light). I also couldn't keep myself as hydrated as I would have liked, since opening the refrigerator and freezer door was out of the question.
I'm sure I'll get a few comments about what a wuss I am, and how back in your day, before penicillin and electricity, you would be on death's door and still up at the crack of dawn, walking 2 miles uphill in 4 foot snow, but I don't care. It was still shitty. Plus, there's a 50% chance I won't be well enough to celebrate my birthday this weekend, and y'all can just bite me.
(NB--Until everyone learns to play nice, comments will be screened from now on.)