July 31, 2006

Hello-o-o-o-o-o Male Nurse!

The virus I had about three weeks ago is back, and this time, he's brought his friend Streptococcal Pharyngitis with him. Mr. Streptococcal has sent out an invitation to his friend rheumatic fever to join him, but hopefully my new bouncer Penicillin with him. I don't know why I'm personifying all of those medical terms, but I guess that if those medical terms sound like Dickens characters, they're less scary this way. Or something.

To top it off, due to the massive thunderstorm Sunday morning around 5 AM, large portions of the city were without power until about 8 that evening. So not only was I in pain, bedridden, I couldn't watch tv, or due to the layout of my room, read (not enough light). I also couldn't keep myself as hydrated as I would have liked, since opening the refrigerator and freezer door was out of the question.

I'm sure I'll get a few comments about what a wuss I am, and how back in your day, before penicillin and electricity, you would be on death's door and still up at the crack of dawn, walking 2 miles uphill in 4 foot snow, but I don't care. It was still shitty. Plus, there's a 50% chance I won't be well enough to celebrate my birthday this weekend, and y'all can just bite me.

(NB--Until everyone learns to play nice, comments will be screened from now on.)
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.