- I hated Little Miss Sunshine with every fiber of my being. There, I said it. Given its obnoxious widespread popularlity I've been keeping that fact to myself, but now that its bumped Dreamgirls off the Best Picture, I can't keep my mouth shut any more. It's a bad movie. An R-rated Hallmark made-for-tv movie is still a Hallmark made-for-tv movie. It was preachy, the characters took the fun away from disfunctional not put the fun in there, and it left me angry as I left the theatre. Like, punch the wall angry. Quite possibly my least favorite movie of all time.
- Babel was just a mess. I didn't feel anything while watching it, and the whole time it felt like it was made specifically to be nominated for Oscars. The acting was good, but the whole thing was just an overstuffed mess.
- Why oh why won't they give Bill Condon his props? Sure, he won best screenplay for Gods and Monsters, but after the one-two-three directoral punch of Gods and Monsters, Kinsey, and now Dreamgirls, adapting Chicago for the screen in there too, he's definitely earned a nomination, at the least, for direction. How did he piss off so many people in Hollywood so he couldn't get an nomination? Why has the gay mafia failed him?
- Will fucking Smith? Seriously? I didn't see it, but my sister did and thought it was preachy. She liked his kid, but overall she thought it was kinda hard to sit through.
- Cars is probably the worst Pixar film, but it still should win.
- I haven't seen Notes on a Scandal yet, but I want to. Both Dench and Blanchette have great track records for picking films, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
January 23, 2007
Oscar Buzz
Now, this may come as a surprise to, well, none of you, but I am, in fact, a homosexual, and as such, I have a few things to say about the recent Oscar nominations.
9:37 AM

Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.