Just kidding. I'm not going to blog about American Idol. Besides, we all know why Sanjay is still in the contest: Vote for the Worst.
On the non-Fox front, things are going all right. Initials and I went to see The Rite of Spring and the Four Seasons last weekend. I started to write a post about past relationships and whether or not they would have gone to see it with me (I adore Stravinsky and Spring and Autumn). It ended up being a lame post.
Other posts that didn't happen include the fact that Initials shaved me, down there, the trip to the 25cent arcade, how annoyed I was on St Patricks Day (aka Amateur Alcoholics night) which didn't help my growing casual racism:
It's funny how St Patricks day is such a racist holiday, how everyone gets drunk to celebrate the Irish. It's not like we have a Fried Chicken and Watermelon Day for black people, or Math tournaments for Asians. That would be wrong. But getting drunk for the Irish is totally cool.
Yes, I am going to hell.
So instead, I'm going to post pics of my cute new tshirts courtesy of threadless, including this design below.

Also. Shakespeare hates your emo poetry.

And he will hate mine, too, when I start posting more of it during National Poetry Month. Mua ha ha ha ha.