April 3, 2007
The Boys All Want To Sex Me
Yes, by now I'm assuming that everyone has seen this video of Alanis Morisette covering the Black Eyed Peas and has been thoroughly amused by it.
But does anyone know why? Is her new album going to be an ironic covers album, a la Paul Anka's Rock Swings? Because that would be tres awesome. Or did Alanis just get bored one day and decide to have some fun with what is arguably the stupidest yet fun song ever to top the charts. I mean, if I were a multi-million selling recoring artist, I would do shit like this all the time.
Since user participation is all the rage these days, if this is leading to an ironic covers album, what other songs would you like to see parodied? Personally, I'd like to hear some Bon Jovi, Paula Abdul, and Pat Benetar done Alanis-style.
10:16 AM

Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.