I was reading an essay on Casanova's memoirs by Clive James when I realized something: I have, by the age of 22, had almost as many sexual conquests as Casanova had. I haven't kept exact count, mind you, but if memory serves me correctly, and my estimation isn't off, it's up there. It's close enough. And I'm not even that slutty, in the grand scheme of things. (I'm also keeping the definition of sex wide open, including oral, mutal j/o, and other 'not quite sex but close enough' types of intimacy, which has bumped up my number considerably.)
I mean, if I'm sluttier than Casanova, where does that leave every single dirty gay blog out there? There's a fair amount; I wouldn't venture a guess as to how many, but while searching around I've stumbled on at least two dozen blogs dedicated to the butt-thumping, cock sucking adventures of cumsluts across the country, and around the world. I bet if I logged into gay.com, or manhunt, the chat rooms would be filled with people who have had as many sexual partners, if not more, than Casanova. And what about all those slutty gay men who don't have blogs?
And perhaps I'm giving this Casanova character too much credit. I mean, he did live over 200 years ago, when sex wasn't nearly as available as it is today; today for gay men it almost amounts to ordering a pizza--putting in all the flavorings you want, make the phone call or email, and within 30 minutes or less you've got sex. Or a pepperoni pizza. But still. Casanova's name has been entered into the English lexicon, alongside words like lothario (which comes from a name of a character in a play), Don Juan (also comes from literature), wolf (which presumably comes from fairy tales) and Playboy (no explanation necessary).
All I know is that I feel like a slut at the moment.
EDIT:: Ok, so maybe my math skills aren't quite as hardcore as I thought. I feel moderately less like a slut.