About a half hour ago, while Initials and I were in bed, ahem doing the horizontal mambo, I made a mistake. No, not a terrible mistake. Lord knows I know the ins and outs (tee hee) of the horizontal mambo. I've had some practice and watched more than my fair share of dance videos.
I had, well, stopped dancing and was waiting for Initials to twist and twirl and get off the dance floor. I was letting him take matters into his own hands, dancing by himself (cue the Billy Idol song), encouraging him with some sounds. When I got it into my head to say something. A word so shocking, and hilarious in context that saying it would at once both summarize and ruin the moment completely.
So I said it.
And after the fits of laughter subsided, he poked me repeatedly with his finger, calling me a jerk and saying "You're going to blog about this, aren't you." And then it took him like, ten more minutes to finish what he was doing. I wasn't allowed to help anymore. So I went into the other room and started blogging.
Instead of just typing the word, I've decided to spice things up in here, and turn this into some sort of contest. If anyone can guess the hilarious, semi-appropriate word that I exclaimed in bed, they will get a prize. I haven't decided what is will be yet, but it will be fantastic. (Deadline is Monday when I wake up.)
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.