Have I mentioned that Initials majored in Political Science? I can't remember.
I bring it up because last night during the State of the Union address he went batshit-insane, screaming obscenities at the set and muttering facts beneath his breath and acting indignant at all of the chimps lies, exaggerations, and stupid ideas. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think his anger was misplaced in any way. It just got old after a few minutes, since I could barely hear the drivel coming out of the president's mouth. It's just that my distaste for the current commander-in-chief manifests itself in terms of eye rolls and witty remarks mocking the politicians.
Finally, during a lull after the stem cell section, I finally said "Oh, just shut up and blog about it."
And he did, and it was much more enjoyable listening to angry clacks on his laptop than his angry rants at the idiot.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.