March 23, 2009

Rainy Day Monday Music Mix

I always have Mondays off, and as such I'm always able to get a lot of shit accomplished and start off the week with great momentum. This week, I had to work on Sunday since so many people asked off for Spring Break. It was nice, actually, since it was incredibly slow, and I pretty much spent 3 hours in front of my computer planning out my new running regimen.

I searched websites for the proper stretches and warm-ups, figured out the best breakfast and lunch for maximum nutrition-as-fuel mileage, used google maps to find a new route that I think will involve fewer hills, compared new running shoes for when my tax rebate comes this week, scanned Men's Health online for tips, and found the Murakami book What I Talk About When I Talk About Running at the library to pick up during my break. Pretty much the only possible aspect of running I didn't spend time researching online yesterday was the weather.

And so it figures that I awoke to rain, strong gusts of wind, and the specter of thunder and lightning for today and tomorrow, plus an email saying that I had to be early for the Wednesday morning staff meeting, so I'm not going to be able to kick off my new running schedule until Thursday, and by then I've lost the momentum to start off my week right.

So instead I've been a good gay and watched Gypsy, sorted the dirty videos on my computer, and baked banana bread. I also came up with a neo-soul mini mix for you all, because I'm just a nice blogger. As always, mp3s, right click and save as, play nice with the bandwidth, go buy a CD sometime.

Cigarettes by Daniel Merriweather

Just Ain't Gonna Work Out by Mayer Hawthorne

Inget Kan Andrea Pa Det by Veronica Maggio

Revival by Soulsavers

Ain't It Hard by Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.