March 23, 2005

making friends at work

I hate the idea of defacing this blog with a single word about Terri Schiavo, but I just can't help myself! And's not my blog, so who cares? I just wanted to point out two things about this whole fiasco that you might not have considered, since they probably haven't been on CNN's news ticker.

First, her surname is an Italian word meaning "slave" which seems fitting in light of recent events in Washington. Second, as I mentioned to several shocked and appalled coworkers on our lunch break tonight, it's ironic that the root cause of her brain damage was bulimia, and now her parents are fighting to force more food down her throat.

Is that insensitive to point out?
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.