April 16, 2004

Two thoughts for today.

1. Last year at about this time, I composed a series of haikus about springtime. It was a school assignment, but a friend and I turned it into a haiku death match of Doom! I wish I could find them, but I think she has the notebook.

There's one haiku in particular that I wish I could find. The haiku below is something along the same lines, but it's not exactly the same, and it's not as good as the original (or at least not as good as I remember the original being).

Ah Spring! A time when
a young man's fancy turns to
shirtless frisbee... Hottt.

2. I was cleaning through my cd spindle, and found an old mix cd filled with emo/newmo/pop-punk. I'd forgotten how much I like whiny boy rock--not for the music, mind you; more than a few songs in a row can become excruciatingly grating. To be specific, I like watching their videos (on mute) on MTV. There's something about earnest pretty boys making faces as if their lives depend on it that really amuses me. Especially faces like this.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.