May 22, 2004

Dear various newspaper organizations,

If I see a headline about the Spanish fighting over the Great Masturbator, I'm going to read it. Never mind that I don't particularly like Dali and the painting isn't all that great. My interest is piqued.

I'm pretty sure that if you start renaming news articles, you're going to see a bump in your circulation. I know that newspapers are dying. If this story were renamed 'Teenage girls learn to give A+ blowjobs,' there's a better chance that I might read it, and might actually learn somthing in the process. Same if this story were renamed 'American bastards try to ruin lap dances for us all' or this one 'British politicians don't like boobies.'

Sure, it may be a bit of false advertising, but if played properly, you should be fine. 18-25 year olds may be a bit quiffed that they're reading about art, not masturbation, but then again, Holy shit. They just read a news article about art. Think of it as using food coloring to trick kids into eating their vegetables. You might be using a bit of trickery, but at least they're getting their nutrition.

Maybe this is what Al Gore had in mind for his own news station. 'The news station where not only the owner is wooden'... Nah, that's pretty forced. 'We're hotter than Bill O'Reilly'

Now that's better.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.