May 5, 2004

Ode to Potatoes

At dinner tonight, they served tater tots. It was amazing. I almost made an entire meal out of them.

I honestly believe that potatoes are God's gift to vegetarians.

Scratch that. Potatoes are God's gift to all humans.

Think about it. Potatoes are the world's most perfect food.

Mashed, fried, tator tots, scalloped, baked, twice baked, French fries, wedged, bread, American fries, croquettes, hash browns, pancakes, au gratin, casserole, the list keeps going.

I don't know why the Irish complained. They were lucky bastards.

"Waah waah waah. We have to eat potatoes two or three times a day because we can't afford anything else. Britain is ruining our economy waah."

And we call France the pussies. (Note the sarcasm.)


If they made potato flavored lubricant, you can bet your sweet ass that'd I'll be all over that.

Or rather, it'd be all over my sweet ass.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.