May 25, 2004

Still no ring, alas.

(My previous post tells the whole sordid, sad tale. But since the last few posts are kind of mopey, I decided to fake a happy face, which gets to be a bit obnoxious by the end.)

I still may be down and out because of the ring But! I did drown my sorrows in the sixth season of Sex and the City, so I'm slightly less frazzled about the whole thing. Charlotte just got married for the second time. In all the quizilla quizes, she's always my alter ego, so I'm happy for her.

You are Charlotte.  From the second aforementioned quiz
Congratulations! You are Charlotte.

(from another quiz with an ugly graphic so I edited out that sucka)

You are Charlotte. Beautiful, shy and girly. All you really want is a huge wedding and a wonderful husband but you are slowly working your way through the male population in your quest to find mr right, not that you'd readily admit it! You always end up with mr perfect...but.. and the but is usually some kind of bizarre or disappointing bedroom activity.

Also! The Fox Academy of Rocking Out is now more or less fully up and operational. We are now accepting applications for the 2004/2005 school year. Mention my name and you get a discount. Maybe. Depends on how pretty you are.

Most importantly! Morrissey on Kilborn! All week! Stay up and watch it! Your co-workers all think you're grumpy anyway, so you might as well stay up! Look at the excessive amounts of exclamation points I'm using! This means that it's important that you watch! Or it might just mean I'm turning into an obsessive fangirl! Either way, I'm done now!
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.