June 23, 2004


This will be the last post of the week. I'll be spending the next few days in Madison, registering for classes, meeting with landlords, and meeting a blogger in real life. He'll be popping my blogger meet-up cherry, so to speak, and I think I his. I don't know why I think this, but I'm excited nevertheless. I've never met a fellow blogger before, so I don't know how well my online and real-life personas match. This could get interesting.

I'll try and be completely wonderful and charming when I meet him, so that he's inspired to write fantastic things about me and you all can get your daily 'raw youth' dosage, but no guarantees--I'm leaving at five in the morning, taking placement tests for 4 hours, and then meeting him. I may not merit any interesting comments. But I'll try. This, of course, leaves an easy out for me to explain the reason I am not as cool in real life as I am online: it's the waking up before dawn and taking hours of tests that will make me boring; that's not the real me. Of course not.

Hopefully I'll use this time to recharge my blogging batteries. I am fully aware that my posts have been hit or miss lately, and I hope that I'll come back Sunday-ish funky-fresh, dressed to impress and ready to party. It's hard work, updating every day, including weekends. You should try it sometime.

See ya.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.