June 17, 2004

...though some would say that Bush is already flaming...

I'm sure that you all will agree with me when I say that Fark.com is inundated with slow-minded, closeted, bigoted freaks, and is therefore a huge ass waste of time.

Lately, I've been getting my random-links-to-waste-time fix sated by catch.com, which is blatant in its Republican bashing, and the comments are pertinent and have a better chance of being witty than their Fark counterparts. Plus, they have better automated titles: Fuck peace, I masturbate for the glory, The Christ dude told me it wasn't him, it was Kris Kristofferson, I hate cheerleaders (except for the drunk ones), Russell Crowe should be sprayed with dingo urine, Superheroes don't need calculus!, etc. There are only about 20 links per day, so we're talking cream of the crop here. Fark may have the quantity, but Catch has the quality.

Yesterday, one of the link taglines was so incredibly brilliant that I felt the need to share it with you all.

Bush tells Pope, "God hates Kerry." Pope asks, "Shouldn't you have set yourself ablaze before playing telephone with God & me?"

I swear, I laughed for an unreasonably long amount of time when I heard that.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.