July 27, 2005

The Heart Is Casual Above All Things.

Things are going to be kept casual, see? All that happened yesterday was a voicemail: no hours-long AIM conversations, no impulsive overly-romantic gestures, no all-night covert makeout/whispering sessions because your roommate is passed out on the floor in front of your bed. Nothing like that.

Some synonyms for casual include easy, easygoing, informal, natural, relaxed, spontaneous, unceremonious, unrestrained, and laid-back. I can do this.

See, I have a habit of dating guys with weeks before I have to move. With the ex/Peter, we met the first week of July, and we both went to school in late August. With that krithing sithspawn Heart, we met in late March and I was to move back in May. Dating with expiration dates has never really worked for me in the past. It always ends with me getting dumped on AIM.

So when I met up with a guy to go see The Island (much better than I thought it would be), I made my intentions perfectly clear: even though I've never been able to casual date in the past, I'd like to try again. He voiced a similar opinion, saying that he too is always either head over heels or ambivalent, but being single sucks when all your friends are gone for the summer, and friendship with an occasional make-out session was worth a shot.

I didn't change before we met, I didn't do the pre-date shower, hell I didn't even shave. He was dressed sort of nicely, but that's only because he came directly from a job interview. Casual, see? We shook hands at the end of the date.

Actually, it wasn't a date. I made sure to say that this wasn't really a date, only some hanging out. He agreed, but made sure to say that he may want to kiss me at the end of it, whatever it was called.

As I mentioned before, we shook hands, with no tongue action. It was raining, we were surrounded by 13-year old girls waiting for their rides, he had a follow-up interview at 9 the next morning, and we were parked on opposite sides of the parking lot.

It's not that I just met with him, per se, either. His mom was my vocal coach for a while, and his best friend's twin dated my best friend, and his mom is now the musical director at my church. He was just more of a casual acquaintance before. And now he's just..


EDIT:: Of course, now that I think about it, this entire post was about a guy I chatted with twice on gay.com, had a 20 minute coffee thing, watched a movie with and left a voicemail for. Since he hasn't, you know, called me back, this whole thing could be moot, and I could be taking this thing less casually than he is.

I knew those insecurities would find their way back.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.