People in other cities always seem to have the best luck on Craigslist. There are hot guys giving away sex, planning sex parties, giving away couches, and all types of fun.
Here in Madison, we're stuck with shit like this.
EDIT:: Stupid Craigslist. Deleting said post.
A twentysomething guy, who looked sort of like this guy with shoulder-length lavender (faded purple, probably) hair was offering his sexual services to anyone who would buy him a pizza. He lost his job at Taco Bell a few weeks ago, and hasn't eaten much since then. He prefers the company of men, and has no limits. There were pictures that were probably worksafe, but definitely not lunch-safe.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.