By now, it almost seems like a chore. I mean, I bought it because I believe in getting free shipping on all orders over $25, and I had to buy Giovanni's Room for one of my classes, and I figured it was a movie I should buy. But now, there's so much pressure on this movie, the awards, the Oscar hoopla (I thought Crash was terrible, FYI), etc. Even guys requesting hookups on are asking me whether I've seen the movie. I reread the short story for one of my classes last semester, and this time, my desire to identify with the text didn't overwhelm the fact that Annie Proulx isn't a very good writer.
That's what I'm starting to think about the movie, even though I've yet to see it: it's probably very good but very long and sort of slow (e.g. The English Patient), but the desire on the gay community and the 'allied' community to turn this into a masterpiece, in addition to all of the cultural and societal implications about the film, and how it does in Red States, and how its a cinematic watershed moment, etc etc etc, is ultimately stifling.
And so it sits there, in the pile. Waiting.

Sure, Jake bared it all in Jarhead, but not even Jake's trysts with Heath can bring me to watch the movie, so you know that the cultural/societal pressure is overwhelming, and how intimidated I am by something as silly as a movie.