April 6, 2006

Three Half-Posts

1. I went out to the bars Tuesday night. (I don't have classes on Wednesday, so I'm not an alcoholic.) We ordered our drinks and sat at a table near the bar. As we nursed our Cherry Manhattans, we overheard the bartender talking to a drunk guy at the bar--
"Have you read Ayn Rand? She was this libertarian writer who wrote about how man is an independant force onto himself and is the only person responsible for his own happiness, and he has to get it no matter what."
I leaned across the table and said that we were not tipping for the rest of the night. I would have insisted that we leave then and there, but it was starting to drizzle, and I haven't had a Cherry Manhattan in a long time. It was close to bartime, and we didn't get another drink anyway, but the thought was there.
2. Remember the cute but terrible poet in my workshop last year? I bumped into him at a poetry reading the other night. He'd gotten cuter, and to top it off, he was wearing shorts. (One of the problems of taking classes during the winter is that you don't get to check out the legs of hot guys.)

Throughout the poetry reading (which was better than I thought it was going to be but still not great) I was staring at his legs, trying to decide if I liked them or not. His calves were sculpted lovely, with very little body hair, and very pale. His thighs, however, as far as I could tell, were the same size as his calves, which made them fairly thin. All in all, I decided that I would still hit it, as long as he didn't write a poem about it.

3. There was a local election on Tuesday, about half a dozen things I couldn't care less about (e.g. school board, comptroller, etc) and a referendeum on the war. It turns out that the city is against it. So am I, but I still think it's dumb and doesn't really send much of a message, or rather that the message is landing on deaf ears anyway.

I mean, I'm for bringing the troops back, if only for the reason that there'll be a lot more guys in uniform available who will jerk off on camera, and those can be pretty hot.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.