May 10, 2006

I took one look and was like OMG! Major!

I wish I would say that the lack of posts comes from my diligent studying for finals, from spending hours and hours poring over textbooks and memorizing details. Or at the very least posing like a dandy like something out of that Toledano portrait.

It's not. That was last week. Both the studying and the posing. I only have one final test, and that's not until Friday, and it's going to mostly be about lesbians, so I don't care.

The problem comes from the fact that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing this summer yet, and my lease ends on Saturday. None of the jobs I applied for panned out (not even the one where I slept with the trainer). So much for him pulling strings that weren't attached to my heart. Le sigh.

I only heard back from one place, a sandwich shop, and had an interview last week. Unfortunately, when I called yesterday to check up on things, they had lost the notes they took on my first interview, but they asked if I could come in for another interview on Tuesday. Which doesn't really help me, since I'd be homeless for three days before the interview. The other places had already finished their hiring, though I could try again in a few weeks to see if any of the new hires could't stand the heat and therefore got out of the kitchen.

I could of course, get a sublet for the summer and keep my fingers crossed that I get the job, except I don't have enough money in my bank account in town, and would need my parents to fiddle with some funds for me, and they don't want to do that until I actually have a job. Bitches.

I've emailed a few places with desperate pleas, and have heard back from two with postive outlooks, but we'll see. I really hope things work out. Living at home would not be benefical to my sex life, which has blossomed as of late.

Which I would tell you about, except there's been a large growth of people in the area reading this blog, including one person who lives in DPB's dorm and uses the same kind of computer, according to the IP address. And we can't be giving exes fodder to talk about me behind my back.

They can start their own blogs if they want to do that.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.