July 18, 2006

The Perfect Man

An email forward I once got said that there are eight qualities to a perfect boyfriend:


Dorothy Parker required only three things of her men: They must be handsome, ruthless, and stupid.

If I were an animated character, my perfect anime boyfriend would be whoever the hell this guy is:

Ah...so romantic...he is the love of your life, you are the love of his life, you read poetry, make songs about each other...okie...sorry...I kinda over reacted here...you just want someone who is true about his fellings...and makes you feel good about yourself.
Take this quiz!

Destiny's Child said that he has "Caramel complexion /With the sexiest expression /Curly hair and corn rows /Very nice physique in his nice clothes," while according to Wyclef, he frequents strip joints more often than he should. The Angel's, on the other hand, insist that upon his return, he will save their reputations (hey na, hey na).

For the majority of Americans (or at least the Moral Majority), Jesus would make a great boyfriend, running around shirtless most of the time, handsome, and willing to forgive pretty much any late night indiscretion.

Normally, I would nominate Jake, while in my more lonely moments, I may have mentioned that all I require of a man is a heartbeat (working genitalia runs a close second).

But right now, my next paramour only needs one thing.

Air Conditioning.

Because Jesus-Fucking-Christ it's hot and muggy out.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.