September 12, 2006


For every discussion section I've ever taken, there's always the silly practice of going around the room and introducing yourself, giving your name, your year, your major, where you're from, and an 'interesting' fact about yourself. I put interesting in scare quotes because invariably, the facts are rarely, if ever, actually interesting, and are usually along the lines of "I spent my summer waterskiing" or "My dog is about to give puppies" and other facts that send me to the crosswords.

For my history class, I decided to take the plunge.

Hi, my name is Bob. I'm an English major, with double minor in Creative Writing and GLBT studies, I'll be graduating in December, and I'm from Wisconsin. Um, an interesting fact about me is that sometimes when I get drunk I go around the bar and unpop guy's collars because I think it's really obnoxious and lame.

Of course, after saying that and listening to the polite wtf laughter going around the room, I look around and see three very buff looking guys with popped collars with red faces.


NB--I'm stealing wireless from the cofeeshop across the street this semester, and it's often spotty. If I'm chatting with you online and I just log out for no reason, don't worry.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.