I’m not entirely sure how I mustered up the balls to say that, especially since I was completely sober at the time. We were at Starbucks a few days ago, me picking up a White Mocha to energize me for a full day of job hunting, and him picking up something to wake him up enough for his drive home for his mom’s birthday on the 2nd. He was ordering his drink while I was picking mine up, and we made eye contact.
We’d fooled around twice; once last spring, and again in October. The sex wasn’t anything worth writing about, not great but not terrible, and without a good story either way. More importantly, however, our chats pre- and post- coital were some of the best I’ve ever had with a casual sex partner.
We recognized each other, and did some small talk while he was waiting for his drink, and then he suggested we grab a table and chat some more. We talked about my graduation and failure (so far) at securing a job, and his classes, and our various holidays, which led to talk about resolutions. He plans on working on his upper body, letting his chest hair grow back, and not giving in to senior slack. I plan on getting a job, working on my abs, and getting better at sex.
“Getting better at sex? You weren’t bad, you know.”
“Yeah, but I want to learn how, or train myself, to stay hard in a condom better. I sometimes have problems with that. Plus, I rarely bottom, and when I do, it always takes forever to open me up. I don’t want to be like floppy saloon doors or anything, but I want to be able to take it.”
He chuckles. “Yeah, I have problems with that sometimes too.”
“Condoms suck.” He nods in agreement. “But I’m not going to play without them, so I’m just going to have to learn how to live with them. I’m going to try and start jerking off with a condom on, just to get used to it.”
“Well, if I remember correctly, you’re kinda big, right?” I blush a little bit, and nod.
“Kinda. I mean, I’m not a porn star.”
“Have you tried Magnums?”
“Maybe you should. Sometimes if a condom is too tight it can be restricting and make it harder to stay hard.”
“I’ve never really thought of myself as a Magnum kind of guy. I mean, I don’t know.”
“You should pick some up and try them out.”
“I usually just get my condoms for free at the local gay dances, and I don’t really want to pay for them. Plus, like, if I buy some and they’re too big, it’s going to ruin my life.”
He laughs, and assures me that that wouldn’t happen. (Addendum: After searching online, he’s right.)
“And uh, if you need someone to try them out on, well...” He takes a sip of his drink, and moves his foot on top of mine.
“Well, uh, that could maybe be arranged.” We’re both blushing, a lot.
“Good. I had a regular fuckbuddy last year, but he transferred, and I could use a new one.”
“I think we should be fuckbuddies.” He cocks his head. “I mean, I was thinking about it the other day, and you were on the shortlist of potential guys.”
“Aw, thanks.”
“I mean, like, the sex hasn’t always been mind-blowing, but it’s never really been awkward between us.” Of course, that sentence probably should have made things awkward, but somehow it didn't.
“Yeah.” He checks his watch, and does a double-take.
“Oh, shit. I should really be heading off.” We take our drinks and head outside, and start walking.
“Well, uh, you should call me when you get back from your mom’s birthday and we should try and figure things out. I mean, it’s a lot easier to talk about it instead of, well, actually going through and doing it.”
“Yeah, will do.” We say our goodbyes and head off our separate ways.
That night, I started talking to someone else online. And then we went out for gelato and drinks. And then he spent the night over. And then the next day we spent most of our time together, watching movies, going out to eat and cuddling. He slept over again, and we went to the mall and hung out, and that night we went to see “The Queen.” And now I think we're dating. Or seeing each other. Or something. So I guess I have to turn down the possible fuckbud. Oh well.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.