I'm doing my best not to censor posts, contrary to what a few of you have mentioned in the comments. Yes, Initials found the blog, but he has promised not to read anything written in 2007 unless I email him the exact link and give him an explicit instruction. It turns out, he really enjoys reading the archives, finding out more shit about me, which is only fair. I mean, I google people. Not quite the same thing, but... yeah.
Can I trust him at his word? I hope so. His myspace blog (which he doesn't know I've found) says that he won't be reading it, and we all know we can trust forums runs by Murdoch.
Also, I was able to keep my old apartment, and for some reason, lease it for about $80 less per month than I was paying previously. Also, air conditioning is now included. It's a good thing.
And I suppose that since I quoted Rodgers and Hammerstein, I should post a pic of some guys 'busting out all over.' Just like June is. And, coincidentally, I feel as though I'm busting out this morning too.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.