1. Initials moved into his new apartment yesterday. As previously mentioned, I hate his new roommate and her militantly vegan girlfriend. (I'm sure there will some stories about her in the future.) Things are kind of tense since he found the blog, which was only exacerbated by the fact that his new roommate is really being a bitch and has gotten less packing done in two weeks than Initials did yesterday, and her shit is taking over the entire living room. She wants a craft room, since she can't fit all of her sewing and quilting crap in her room. Of course, when all of her sewing and quilting crap in the living room, there isn't enough room for things like the couch, the tv stand, and the coffee table.
2. My summer sublet fell through. The acquaintance from whom I was planning on subletting broke his leg, and therefore won't be leaving to help out at some summer camp up north. My lease ends on the 31st, and I'm more than freaking out. I have a tentative one bedroom lined up; unfortunately I have to work all day today so unless I get the email in like, five minutes, and they have someone available to show the place after 6 tonight, I'm shit out of luck. (Although according to craigslist, my apartment complex has some rooms available, so I may be able to extend my lease.)
3. My best friend spent last semester studying abroad in Prague, and is returning this weekend. We have tentative plans to live together in the fall. There will lots of drunken stories. Lots.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.