Ok, not really. It's just that I'm one of those guys who doesn't allow those electric clippers near my head, except for some trimming around the ear. My explanations are always really complicated, like "about 3/4 of an inch off the top, closer to an inch on the sides, trim above the ear, keep a lot of the length in the back," etc. When I got my haircut this morning, the hairstylist next to me was able to fit in two guys in the time it took for mine to finish. The guys sidle up, and when asked what kind of style they want, they just mutter a number and are done with it.
Now, I never really like my haircuts. Or any guy's haircuts, really. I always think that men's hair always looks better a few days after the haircut, but on that same day it's always too fussy and fake-looking. Sure, male models can get away with it, but male models can get away with pretty much anything. Case in point: Chad White (via Towleroad).

Ok, so he doesn't really have any hair, but he still can get away with dressing like a cheap ken doll and still look hot, which was the point I was going for.
Anyways, so there was a guy on my left who was also getting his hair cut, and finished before mine was about halfway done. He got up to pay, and another guy came and took his place. He muttered something about a number, and the stylist went to work. I noticed him looking over at me, and it turns out I know him. And slept with him. And thought about being his fuckbuddy.
Well then.
As soon as I caught his eye and recognized him, he looked away. And when my stylist turned me to the left to better work on my right side, and when his stylist turned him to the right as to better work on his left side, and we were facing each other directly, he closed his eyes. He just sat there, eyes closed, no expression in his face, lips pursed. I kinda stared at him, partly in disbelief that he was being such an ass, and partly because I couldn't move my head. I guess he was still sore that I found someone to date instead of becoming his fuckbuddy.
Our stylists finished at about the same time, and we paid at separate registers. We both got to the door at more or less the same time, he a few steps closer. He opened the door to pass through, and wrapped his hand slightly around the edge of the door so that after he passed he pushed the door shut in my face.
So much for not holding a grudge, I guess. Good thing things didn't work out with him.
But it's ok though. While walking the two blocks back to my place, I was checked out by three guys and a girl. Awwww snap.
EDIT:: Despite what it may sound like, no, I did most certainly not get a mullet, or anything resembling a mullet. My hair happens to grow slower in the back of my head, as compared to the sides and top. The back requires less hair cut off only so that it requires less taken off in order to look fabulous. I have not now, nor have ever, had a mullet. Well, I did have a rattail in first grade, but I quickly grew out of it.