I read a hell of a lot at my new job-- at least a book per shift, and sometimes two. Other than the reading, my job isn't much to write about, and for the past week, neither has my social life.
Well, that's not true. I saw an advance screening of Rescue Dawn, which wasn't very good. It's basically just fortyfive minutes of the Viet Cong torturing Christian Bale, and then another hour and a half of Christian Bale trying to escape from the prison. Worst part is, when they torture him, they don't even take off his shirt.

It's not even hot torture, just historically accurate torture. As Stephanie Tanner might say, "How Rude!"
Anyways, instead of writing down a long laundry list of the 32 books I've read since the last time I did one of these posts (June 20th), I've been photoshopping the book titles over the naughty bits of cute guys, since sex sells. These are the last six books I've read (or rather, six of the last seven books I've read, since Lady Oracle by Margaret Atwood wasn't really worth recommending).
The books I've read since Sunday:
Ragtime by E.L. Doctorow

Sanctuary by Faulkner

Absurdistan by Gary Shtenygart

Mere Anarchy by Woody Allen

Midnight's Children by Rushdie

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon

I recommend all of these, both the guys and the books.