I've been sick for the past few days. It's nothing serious, it's just a 48 hour bug thing that's been going around, except in my case it's off and on, so I'm sick for a few hours, and then it goes away for a while, and then it comes back. So even though I've been feeling sick since Saturday, I'm still classifying it as a 48 hour bug.
Initials has been great, for the most part. He's always been there with bowls of chicken soup, picking up cough drops for me on the way home from work, and respecting the fact that sometimes I want to be cuddled and sometimes I just want to be alone. And it's good and really sweet and all that.
It's a pretty big except, which is why I put it in bold. Except that he keeps making me garlic tea and I keep refusing to drink it. That's right. Garlic tea.
He minces two cloves of garlic and places it on the bottom of the mug, underneath the orange tea bag (I don't know why, but it's always with orange). Unfortunately for his stupid plan, minced garlic floats, and he can't sneak the garlic into my tea without me noticing the film of garlic that floats on the top of the tea like algae in a pond. It's incredibly gross.
And he won't accept the fact that I'm not going to drink it. I don't care what the internet says about how it's a great cure-all because it kills bacteria or something. I don't care. It's gross. It smells gross, and it tastes gross. I tried it, and I ain't having no more of that shit. He just keeps making it for me, and I just keep pouring it down the drain and resenting him for it.
No garlic tea. It's not that difficult of a rule to remember.
I keep just thinking that this is all part of his plan to make me smell like garlic, so he doesn't feel so bad about the fact that he smells like garlic more often than he should.
He's getting better at that, I should mention. When we first started dating, for breakfast he would chop up a garlic clove and mix it in with plain yogurt, to say nothing about the quantities he would put in dinner. He's learned that if he wants any make-out time the garlic consumption had to be cut down, a lot. His breath still sometimes smells like garlic, and it always smells more garlicky than mine, even if we eat the exact same thing. But at least now that my garlic consumption is up since he does the bulk of the cooking, I can't complain as much as I used to. I still complain, it's just not as much. Garlic breath is gross.
Long story short. Garlic is not my friend, and Initials just doesn't get it.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.