April 10, 2008

Cover Me

Have I mentioned lately that I love Covers? I imagine it's related to my love of iconoclasm. I don't mean iconoclasm in the sense of censorship in the Byzantine empire, but instead in terms of ridiculing and reconfiguring pop culture icons into something new. It's why I enjoy Pop Art and bastardpop and such.

I made you guys a muxtape full of covers, if you're interested in streaming the twelve covers that I've been enjoying lately. I was thinking about making this into a contest to see who could identify the original artists, but then I realized that these are all ridiculously easy, or ridiculously easy to google.

Let me know if you guys like the whole muxtape thing. I enjoy making mix cds but don't enjoy running out of bandwidth every other day, so hopefully this will work out for everyone.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.