So remember when I said that Christmas was going to be a bummer because my parents were afraid of driving in the weather, and so it was shaping up to be a quiet, lackluster holiday?
Turns out, I lied.
Or rather, they lied, or Mother Nature lied, or the weatherman lied; at any point, the storm ended up missing our neck of the woods, and we had unseasonably nice weather on Christmas eve.
And so I received a voicemail from my parents around 2 PM saying that since the roads weren't so bad, they decided they were going to drive down anyway. In fact, they were on their way already and should be arriving in town around 3.
Which led to a madcap hour of chicken-with-its-head-cut-off syndrome, with the boyfriend and I running to the store, baking, and cleaning, leading to what ended up being a successful Christmas.
Successful until the boyfriend discovered we had a foundation leak in the living room, and the the bottom of some of the presents were damp due to the soggy carpet. Due to a Christmas miracle our management company has a Jewish maintenance man who had no problem coming in on December 25th to take care of everything, and so everything worked out in the end.
I leave you with a Sufjan Stevens song, since he provided the soundtrack this year.