January 17, 2005


Hopefully all those crybabies on Firefox can now see this site perfectly. After three hours of trying to start a template fresh, I gave up and bastardized one of the pre-made blogger templates. Everyone in the sidebar should have made it into the dropdown bloglist; if you don't see your name there or if the link's off, just let me know. I already know that I accidentally lost a few people when making the shift over, but hopefully I caught all the omissions and everything's all hunkydory.

In other news, there are two new mastheads. For details, I will have you put your keyboards in their full, upright positions and click on the art link below the Peyton portrait in the sidebar. I'll try and update that post when I add new mastheads.

I think, save for changing link colors maybe, I'm done with fiddling with HTML for a while. If anything crashes or starts on fire, let me know, but otherwise I'm not looking at any HTML if I can avoid it. Regular postings will resume on Tuesday, hopefully.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.