January 18, 2005

So much for that resolution

I returned from break to find that I'm getting a new suitemate, and my current suitemate is moving to the tenth floor. It's nothing to do with our relationship; hell, he slept on our floor last night because his new roommate is a creep. I'm not really sure why, but we now have a new enigmatic 21 year old gay bearcub with a nice smile as a suitemate. Unfortunately, we stored a lot of stuff in the spare room, and weren't told that people were playing musical dorms until they arrived back from break. I suppose I have less reason to complain than the people who returned from break and told they were switching rooms, but you really cared about them you'd read their blogs.

Monday morning, at the ungodly hour of 9 AM, our cleaning woman knocked on my door, wondering whose stuff was in the other room. I slept naked that night, so I had to grab on a pair of boxers and clean up my roommate's dirty clothing and old textbooks from the room. It took over an hour of moving his stuff before the cleaning woman could go in there and vacuum.

I complained to everyone as they returned. When I wake up naked, it's not the cleaning lady's face I want to see. I grumbled and told everyone that my roommate owes me, big-time. Everyone seemed to agree, and said they would get on his case.

My roommate has been home for less than 24 hours and eight people have already told him that he owes me a blowjob. And he has to swallow.

I'm a stinker.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.