Whitney In Primetime
My business is sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll. You know?
I mean, my friends, we have a good time. You know?
It was rough. It was rough.
And I said, well I'm just gonna party. You know?
It was kind of a rebel in me. You know?
I'm not sick.
I am not sick.
Let's get that straight.
I'm not sick. Okay?
I've always been a thin girl.
I'm not going to be fat, ever.
Let's get that straight.
Whitney is not going to be fat, ever. Okay?
This is my time, now. You know? Love me or leave me.
But you better love me. Love me. Love me. Love me?
March 10, 2005
These are all direct quotes, by the way.
The assignment I posted the other day was part of a series of "poems for young girls who have considered anorexia when dieting just ain't enuff." The second poem in the series is called "Whitney in Primetime," and is composed of direct quotations (the repetitions and 'you knows' are verbatim, as unbelievable as that may sound) from Whitney Houston's Primetime Special with Diane Sawyer. I have absolutely no idea how the formatting will work out, and I'm far too lazy to mess with it, so use your imagination if it turns out ugly.
9:04 PM

Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.