Initials has started a blog, and it's pissing me off.
I don't know the URL for it, which is probably a good thing. He knows about this blog, and after a few times when I've written too much and didn't portray him in the lightest of lights and he got pissy, he's since promised to never read it again without my permission. Whenever I bring it up, he keeps insisting that he hasn't read it, and while there's been a few times he's casually mentioned incidents that I've written about recently, it's always vague enough to justify his ignorance. I still end up censoring myself sometimes.
I don't know if I could be that honest if I knew his blog address. I'd be all over that so fast, and I wouldn't tell him about it. I'd just let it all simmer and be bitter whenever he wrote something mean about me. I can be really passive-aggressive.
He keeps giving me shit about posting now. Now that he's been blogging for all of two and a half weeks, he feels as though he can criticize me for not posting every day. I don't know how often he posts, but it seems like most days he finds a way to mention that he posted today, and why haven't I? It doesn't matter if I was at work all day, or if I was gone, or sick, or whatever, he always asks me if I've written, and then mentions smugly how he did, and if he found a chance to, I certainly could have. Well meh neh neh.
I don't have as much to write about now. I've been blogging at various online sites for almost eight years. That's like, before he was born, or at least before he entered college. I've exhausted a lot of the easy generic posts and memes way back in high school, on dialup, back before google bought out blogger, back before pyra labs even existed. I'm not saying my posts in 9th grade were any good, but they were there. I've gotten all the stupid lazy posts that everyone can write and no one thinks are any good out of my system.
Yesterday, nothing worth blogging about happened. I cleaned my room, did my laundry, picked up my check, dropped it off at the bank, and watched a Law & Order DVD that came via Netflix, and then watched my two favorite shows, 30 Rock and the Office. It wasn't that interesting of a day, unless you find reading about me watching television fascinating. There just wasn't anything worth writing about yesterday.
But then last night in his sleep he said "I love you Tommy" and now the bitch is in trouble.
Here lies a most ridiculous raw youth, indulging himself in the literary graces that he once vowed to eschew. Now he just rocks out.